So.. Watching a reality show one day or a preview of one. There seem to be so many. There is a common theme in the drama of the shows. Infidelity in relationships. So .. I began to ponder. Hey, why do men cheat? Why do women cheat? So here's how we're going to dig into this issue today. Ladies, Men, not putting this out here so you can start checking your significant other's phone or itemizing a check list to destroy them. It's just an open forum, we're just going to talk it out. Let's begin. First let's define what a RELATIONSHIP really is. A loose translation to a definition I read, was like, "a sexual, or romantic friendship between 2 people". Note that the definition states that a relationship is comprised of two people, not six, not one main and a few dip offs. TWO PEOPLE. Now that we've gotten that out the way.. Let's continue The reasons I believe women cheat: 1. They are not receiving a consistent amount of attention...
Brave depictions of honesty by an early 30 something on her path to enlightenment.